Georges Lemaître’s theory of an expanding Universe, which has become known as the Big Bang, was supported by Hubble’s observations. The expanding Universe idea was challenged by influential scientists who believed the Universe was both infinite (and therefore not expanding) and steady state (unchanging). Supporters of the Big Bang idea needed to find other evidence that could confirm their model was correct.
The cosmic microwave background radiation (CMBR) is radiation left over from the big bang. When the universe was very young, only 380,000 years old, just as space became transparent to light, electromagnetic energy would have propagated through space for the very first time. At this stage in its development, the temperature of the Universe would have been about 3000K. Nowadays, the temperature of space has fallen to approximately 2.7 K (that’s 2.7 K above absolute zero!) and, using Wien’s Law, we can confirm that the peak wavelength of the electromagnetic radiation is so long that the background radiation lies in the microwave portion of the em spectrum.
The CMBR was first detected in 1964 by Richard Woodrow Wilson and Arno Allan Penzias, who worked at Bell Laboratories in the USA.
In the 1920s, Edwin Hubble had access to the Hooker telescope on Mount Wilson, Los Angeles. This was the largest telescope in the world at that time. His first breakthrough was the discovery of a cepheid variable star in the Andromeda nebula. This enabled him to calculate the distance to Andromeda and he quickly realised this was not a nebula but a galaxy outside the Milky Way.
This video follows his work.
Hubble then turned his attention to other galaxies, looking for cepheid variable stars that would allow him to determine their distances from the Milky Way. He used redshift to calculate their recession velocity and plotted a graph against their distance from us.
He found that the recession velocity (v) was directly proportional to distance (d). We can express this relationship as
which is known as Hubble’s law, where is the Hubble constant. Astronomers agree that the current value of the Hubble constant is
Since this is a SQA course, we need to convert the constant into SI units – giving
In this second video, Professor Jim Al-Khalili looks at Hubble’s work on measuring redshift for different galaxies and his discovery of an expanding universe.
Although he was American, Edwin Hubble transformed himself into a tea drinking, pipe smoking, tweed wearing Englishman during his time as a Rhodes Scholar at Oxford. He probably wouldn’t approve of this last video.
It is said that when Hubble died, he left his collection of tweed jackets to Mr Jamieson-Caley.
Unfortunately, astronomers were not eligible for the Nobel Prize for Physics while Hubble was alive. The rules have now been changed.
For the past two weeks, we’ve been looking at equations that describe time and distance changing according to speed. It’s been quite heavy on theory and maths with no supporting evidence to suggest Einstein’s ideas were correct. I want to address that lack of evidence by pointing you to some practical work that had been carried out before Einstein’s theory was developed and by introducing measurements that scientists are still making today.
The speed of light is the same for all observers
Einstein’s Special Theory of Relativity was published in 1905 but I want to go back to an experiment carried out 1887, the Michelson-Morley experiment. Throughout the 19th century, scientists believed that waves needed some form of matter through which to travel. From your National 5 knowledge, you know that electromagnetic radiation, such as light or radio waves, can travel through the vacuum of space where there is an absence of matter but this was not known way back then. Instead, scientists believed that the Earth was moving through a mysterious substance called the ether (also known as the aether).
At the time, it was believed that Earth moved through the ether, so a stationary observer on Earth should be able to measure the relative speed of the ether as we moved through it. Michelson and Morley devised an experiment where light beams were directed in different directions and brought back together to produce something called interference (we shall study interference in the Particles & Waves unit). The idea was that there would be a change in the speed of light when it had to move against the direction of the ether and, through relative motion, they could determine the speed of the ether.
It was a total flop! They found that the speed of light was the same in all directions. It was only later, when Einstein was looking for ways to prove that the speed of light was the same for all observers, that the importance of the Michelson-Morley experiment became apparent.
This video summarises the evidence nicely.
You can’t prove that time and distance change according to speed
Actually we can. The upper atmosphere is constantly bombarded with very high energy particles from space, mostly protons. These particles are called cosmic rays. When cosmic rays collide with atoms at the edge of our atmosphere, many different subatomic particles are produced. We will meet these particles at the start of the Particles & Waves unit. The particle we’re interested in just now is one called the muon (μ). Muons are similar to electrons, but about 200 times heavier.
The trouble is that muons can’t exist for very long, they have a very short half-life (think back to National 5 radioactivity). In fact, the half-life of a muon is so short that we should never be able to detect the muons produced in the upper atmosphere with a particle detector at ground level, yet we can detect them. Lots of them!
There are two ways in which Special Relativity explains why we can detect muons. The explanation depends whether you are in Earth’s frame of reference, in which case the time dilation explanation is appropriate, or the muon frame of reference, where the length contraction explanation is appropriate. This video from minute physics explains the situation quite well.
For the more curious among you, there is a comparison of the two different frames of reference on the hyperphysics site, with a simulator where you can vary muon parameters and distances to see how the outcome changes.
We’ve been looking at Einstein’s special theory of relativity this week. Special relativity is tricky get get your head round. Let’s start with a video about the speed of light.
We watched this video in class, it follows Einstein’s thought process as he worked through his special theory of relativity.
another take on special relativity and the twins paradox
…and the Glesga Physics version
length contraction
This video has helpful examples to explain length contraction.
Sometimes it’s easier to imagine we’re a stationary observer watching a fast moving object go whizzing past. For other situations, it’s better to put yourself into the same frame of reference as the moving object, so that everything else appears to be moving quickly, while you sit still. The muon example in this video shows how an alternative perspective can work to our advantage in special relativity.
Another way to think about this alternative frame of reference is that it’s hard to measure distances when you yourself are moving really quickly. Think about it, you’d get tangled up in your measuring tape like an Andrex puppy.
It would be far easier to imagine you’re the one sitting still and all the objects are moving relative to your position, as if your train is stationary and it’s everything outside that’s moving. That keeps everything nice and tidy – including your measuring tape. Got to love Einstein’s postulates of special relativity.
I’ve marked your HW jotters and will hand them back during tomorrow’s lesson.
I’ll go over the main issues in class but many of you need to review the way you attempt tension questions; use a free body diagram and only use F=ma when you know the resultant force. These two videos should help.
In the 1920s, Edwin Hubble had access to the Hooker telescope on Mount Wilson, Los Angeles. This was the largest telescope in the world at that time. His first breakthrough was the discovery of a cepheid variable star in the Andromeda nebula. This enabled him to calculate the distance to Andromeda and he quickly realised this was not a nebula but a galaxy outside the Milky Way.
This video follows his work.
Hubble then turned his attention to other galaxies, looking for cepheid variable stars that would allow him to determine their distances from the Milky Way. He used redshift to calculate their recession velocity and plotted a graph against distance.
He found that the recession velocity (v) was directly proportional to distance (d). We can express this relationship as
where is the Hubble constant. Astronomers agree that the current value of the constant is
Since this is a SQA course, we need to convert into SI units – giving
Although he was American, Edwin Hubble transformed himself into a tea drinking, pipe smoking, tweed wearing Englishman during his time as a Rhodes Scholar at Oxford. He probably wouldn’t approve of this last video.
Unfortunately, astronomers were not eligible for the Nobel Prize for Physics. The rules have now been changed.