Intermediate 2
Intermediate 2 Physics past papers and solutions
I have posted past papers and solutions on the Int2 Physics revision page. I don’t have copies of the very earliest papers, I’m afraid.
Post a comment here if you have any problems with the links.
how satellites rule our world
BBC2 showed a really good programme about satellites last night. This screenshot showing a satellite passing over the Highlands is taken from about 17 minutes into the show. Click on the picture to visit the BBC’s own page about the documentary.
It was quite eye-opening to see just how much modern society relies on satellite technology.
You can download the entire programme using the link below.
dropping a slinky
Ria asked if a slinky really stops in mid air when it is released. Eoin helped us to find out the answer.
It’s easier to see what happens if you watch a slow motion version.
Or even slower motion.
Why does that happen?
total internal reflection
Here is a short video showing some examples of total internal reflection.
decommissioning Dounreay – Bang Goes the Theory
This week’s episode of Band Goes the Theory was about the Fukushima disaster in Japan. Part of the programme was filmed at Dounreay, where Dallas investigated the methods being used to decontaminate the site. You can watch the part about Dounreay by playing this clip.
The whole programme is available for download using the link below (large download).
vectors: how to draw a scale diagram
We started to look at vectors this week. Here is a video I made to help you with the processes involved in drawing a scale diagram.
Vector Scale Diagrams from mr mackenzie on Vimeo.
very large telescope
I found a brilliant timelapse video on the Popular Science site. It shows the Very Large Telescope (VLT) at work in Chile.
Here are some VLT links to explore
- wikipedia entry
- the VLT website
- series of images from the BBC
- the VLT’s laser guide
- ESO’s top 10 discoveries
You can get a pdf summary of the VLT from the European Southern Observatory (ESO), the organisation that runs the VLT, by clicking on the download link below.
good luck from Albert and me
I’m sure you’ll do your best tomorrow. Remember to check the exam advice for Higher and Standard Grade on BBC Bitesize.
Higher classes – remember my advice to attempt Section B first. 70 of the 90 marks are there and each mark requires less effort than Section A. Aim to leave 35 minutes for the multiple choice questions.