S4 Transport – extra notes about forces and energy

We’ve completed the unit of Transport now. I have uploaded the summary notes we went through on forces, work, power and energy. I’ve also made up 2 sets of notes to show you how to work your way through different types of problems based on potential and kinetic energy. All of the documents are pdf files.


work, power and energy

potential energy examples

kinetic energy examples

S3 – Telecommunications unit tests

Here’s a reminder of the dates we agreed in class for the end of section tests on Telecommunications.

General test – Tuesday 6 February
Credit test – Wednesday 7 February

During the week prior to the tests you will be given some time in class to try questions from previous exams.

Free physics software for THS pupils!

The Physics department has purchased a 1 year site license for a really smart software package called Crocodile Physics.  The terms of the license allow any pupil in the school to download a copy for home use.  If you are interested, mac and windows versions of the software can be obtained by going to www.crocodilia.com and logging in with the user name “student.thurso” and the password your teacher will give you (I can’t publish the password here).  Select Crocodile Physics from the drop-down menu and log in.  Go to the download section to get your copy of the software.

The site also contains sample models for you to download and try out.  Ask me if you want to know more about them.

How TV works

In the past week, we’ve been looking at picture tubes to see how images are formed in a TV set.  Today we started to look at how a TV produces a colour image.  If you would like to look again at the web page I used in class, you can find it here.