re-entering the earth’s atmosphere

In space there is no air resistance to oppose motion, so the Space Shuttle orbiter can travel at very high speeds, up to 17,321 mph!  At these speeds, the orbiter experiences enormous air resistance as it descends into the Earth’s atmosphere at the end of its mission.

This air resistance is just like any other form of friction – it converts kinetic energy into heat energy.  The effect of this heat energy is demonstrated in this video clip taken by a Canadian police car camera.  It shows a meteor burning up in the atmosphere above Edmonton.

Thankfully most meteors do burn up in the atmosphere, although the dinosaurs were not so lucky.

The high temperatures created during re-entry ionise the gas around the orbiter and this is often seen as a bright light in NASA cockpit videos, such as the one shown below.

To protect the vehicle and its crew from these high temperatures, the underside of the orbiter is covered by a layer of heat resistant tiles called the thermal protection system.  This NASA clip explains how the tiles are constructed and arranged on the underside of the orbiter.

When Columbia was launched in 2003, something fell against the insulation on the left wing and knocked off some of the tiles.  This hole in the thermal protection system caused Columbia to explode over the US as it re-entered the atmosphere.  There is a wikipedia article about the Columbia disaster.

Video footage of NASA’s Houston control room from the morning of the disaster was included in the BBC Horizon documentary Final Descent – Last Flight of Space Shuttle Columbia.

WARNING: This last film is an excerpt from the Horizon programme and includes genuine cockpit video that was found in the wreckage, with some clips of the crew’s final minutes before they were killed.

There is a good description of the Space Shuttle at How Stuff Works.

photoelectric effect

We looked at the photoelectric effect last week.  This video has a similar demonstration to the gold leaf electroscope experiment I showed you in class and includes an explanation of the process.

Click on the picture below to download the simulation we used to investigate the effect of irradiance on frequency on photocurrent.

You can change the metal under investigation (we used zinc in class).  You can also vary the wavelength and irradiance of the light.   Notice that below the theshold frequency you can’t get any photoelectrons, even if you set the light to its brightest setting.

star classification

We know that our sun is a fairly common star.  In fact, the fanciest thing about our sun is probably the fact that the 3rd planet (Earth) in its solar system has life!

In this video, astronomers talk about how they can use the line spectra from stars to classify them into different categories.

electric motors

image by explainthatstuff

We’re finishing off the electricity unit by looking at electric motors.  The page I used in class to help explain how a simple electric motor works is available here.

Here is another nice animation that shows the key parts of an electric motor.  It will stop after a few rotations but just reload the page to see it again.

Real electric motors have a few modifications;

  • they use field coils instead of a bar magnet – the field coils form a strong electromagnet when current passes through them.  The field coils do not rotate.
  • the single rotating coil is replaced by several rotating coils
  • there are more contacts on the commutator – each pair connects to a different rotating coil
  • the brushes are often made from carbon instead of metal – the carbon conducts electricity and can withstand high temperatures.  Carbon also moulds to the shape of the commutator to give a good electrical contact

image by marrrci