Here is the 2005 Advanced Higher Physics paper.
This paper is reproduced to support SQA qualifications on a non-commercial basis according to SQA conditions of use.
with mr mackenzie
Here is the 2005 Advanced Higher Physics paper.
This paper is reproduced to support SQA qualifications on a non-commercial basis according to SQA conditions of use.
Q6 (d) 2005 – You have the same answer as me that the time INcreases to travel along the deflection plates. SQA Marking Instructions say the time DECREASES – do you know if that is an error?
You mean 6(e)? Just looked at it for you and the SQA marking instructions are wrong in respect of time. When the anode voltage is reduced, the accelerating voltage is smaller and so the electrons have less kinetic energy, so travel more slowly. This means that they take longer to pass between the plates, so t INCREASES.
Thanks for quick reply. Was just checking I understood it.