
Satellites are similar to the horizontally launched projectiles we looked at last week.  A satellite moves horizontally at constant speed but also accelerates vertically towards the planet’s surface due to gravity.  Thankfully, the curvature of the Earth means the satellite doesn’t crash but keeps on orbiting the planet.

According to SQA, National 5 candidates need to know about the

Impact of space exploration on our understanding of planet Earth, including use of satellites.

So far this week, we have covered many applications in which satellites are used to study our planet.  Examples include;

monitoring volanoes

weather forecasting
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climate change

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what to do if the website is busy

You might have noticed that the server has struggled to cope with so many people trying to view the resources as the Physics exams approach.

If you can’t get in, you can still access some of the video files and PDF notes through iTunes.

There are iTunes podcasts set up for Advanced Higher, Higher and National 5 Physics.  Those of you sitting National 5 might also find useful resources in the old Standard Grade and Intermediate 2 podcasts.

Advanced Higher podcast

Higher podcast – includes some past papers

National 5 podcast – includes specimen question paper and the 2014 exam, plus marking instructions

Standard Grade podcast

Intermediate 2 podcast

Subscribe to the appropriate podcast and download the pdf/mp3/mp4 files.  I’ve run some tests and this seems to work even when though the site won’t let you in.