Here is your homework exercise on forces, momentum and energy. Please submit your solutions by Thursday 3rd December.
all homework exercises get this tag
Higher homework- forces & momentum
Here is your homework exercise on forces and momentum. Please hand your hw jotter in no later than Monday 16th November.
S4 HW for 30/10/09
Here is your HW for after the holidays. Please hand in your jotter by 30th October, thank.
LO3 advice
Those of you working on your LO3 report this weekend might like to see what another physics teacher, Mr Hood, has to say about this aspect of your course work. Read his blog post here. He’s also kindly provided more detailed help in the form of an audio podcast. Click the link below to listen.
Int2 homework: speed, acceleration and speed-time graphs
The attached file is your homework exercise on speed, acceleration and speed-time graphs. Please hand in your jotter no later than Thursday 24th September, thanks.
S3 Electricity homework
Your homework for next week is attached.
You can download the HW by clicking on the download link or you can get it through iTunes by following the S Grade Podcast link in the sidebar. Please do this exercise in your new homework jotter and hand it in to me on Thursday 19th September. Thanks.
S4 Electronics homework
Your first set of electronics homework is attached, click on the download link to save it to your computer. Please complete this exercise and hand in your jotter no later than Thursday 3rd September. Thanks.
The questions are also available on iTunes if you prefer. I will explain in class how to subscribe to the podcast.
Higher HW – vectors and projectiles
Here is your HW on vectors & projectiles. Please hand in your HW jotter by Wednesday 2nd September. Thanks.
Int2 vectors HW
Here is your first homework exercise. Please attempt all questions and hand in your HW jotter no later than Tuesday 1st September. You will need a protractor for Q2. This deadline will be posted in the blog calendar on the right to remind you.
Higher HW on uncertainties
Here is your HW on uncertainties. Please do this in the back of your classwork jotter as the HW jotters have not arrived yet. Please hand in your HW no later than 25th June.