Higher summary notes

Someone sent me a link to a great set of summary notes for the entire Higher Physics course.  They are from Hermitage Academy in Helensburgh and I’d like to thank them Physics dept there for making them available.  Use the download link or save it by getting the podcast episode in iTunes.

Free physics software

I’ve had an email from Yenka to say that they are now offering many of their products for home use – free of charge!  I think Yenka is the new name for Crocodile Clips, the company who made Crocodile Physics and Crocodile Technology.  Their software allows you to create your own experiments to learn about

  • motion – SG transport, Int2 unit1, Higher unit1, AH unit1
  • electricity – SG using electricity, Int2 unit1, Higher unit2, AH unit2
  • light and sound – SG health physics, Int2 unit3, Higher unit3, AH unit3
  • electronics – Int1 applied practical electronics, SG electronics, Int2 unit2, Higher unit2

They also have some chemistry products you might find helpful.

The software is free but you can only use it at home.  Why not download it and see if you find it useful.

charging & discharging capacitors

We looked at factors affecting the shape of the charging & discharging curves of capacitors today. Here is a video I found on youtube that covers some of the areas we discussed. Ignore the maths bit at the end, we won’t need that. Notice how the man in the film uses a lightbulb as a way of showing when the current is large or small, clever, eh?

using an oscilloscope

Although we’ve completed the ac section of unit 2, some of you might want to get some practice at using an oscilloscope to determine the frequency & peak voltage of a signal.

Use the link below to try using the virtual oscilloscope I had on the SMARTBoard.  You can view different signals by connecting different coloured leads to the inputs.


deriving the equations of motion

I’ve been looking through the results of the traffic light survey we did at the end of unit 1 of the higher course.  The learning outcome that most people were unhappy about was the derivation of the equations of motion.

I put together a handout that outlines where the 3 equations come from, starting with a simple velocity-time graph.  Let me know if you think your understanding of this outcome would benefit from the video treatment I have used in your homework solutions.