Newton III in action – continued

This amazing footage of the Saturn V rocket launch for the Apollo11 moon landing mission has been put online by Mark Gray.  The video provides an extra dimension to the launch photograph in my earlier post about Newton’s 3rd law of motion.  While that picture shows an enormous plume of gas being forced out of each rocket exhaust, the video below demonstrates the heat of the gases and the effect they have on the structure of the launch pad itself.

Apollo 11 Saturn V Launch (HD) Camera E-8 from Mark Gray on Vimeo.

standard grade physics summary notes

I found a great set of summary notes provided by the Physics Department at James Gillespie’s High School in Edinburgh.  They cover the entire course, so are quite long.  The diagrams are very clear and I would recommend working your way through them as part of your preparation for the May exams.

The notes are in a pdf file so they will work with iTunes or you can download them by clicking on the link below.

colour, temperature and emission spectra

Today we looked at emission spectra from different light sources; mercury, sodium, cadmium and oxygen discharge tubes, using a handheld spectroscope.

Here is a video that shows you how to make a basic spectroscope at home.  There are lots of guides like this online.  You might prefer to make a larger spectroscope by using a Pringles tub rather than an old toilet roll holder as the main tube.

I have attached the handout on colour and emission of light from different elements below.

ray diagram – object further than 2f

This post is for Intermediate 2 only.

The final situation we need to consider is when the object is located more than two focal lengths away from the convex lens.  The diagram is similar to the previous examples but needs additional points marked on the optic axis.

ray diagram for distance > 2f from mr mackenzie on Vimeo.