Higher Physics Learning Outcome 3
Experimental Report Writing : Learning Outcome 3
All report writing should be done in the third person and follow the structure outlined below.

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Give the experiment an appropriate title.

State clearly what you are investigating in terms of the dependent and independent variable.
State also the variables that you are controlling.

Draw a labelled diagram of the apparatus used.

Explain what variables you measured and how you measured them.
Write down how you physically changed the independent variable.

The independent variable is the one that you are in charge of and altered
during the experiment.

Present your results in a table
Make sure the headings are written in words and you have included
the correct units.

Draw a graph

Write the labels using full words and include the appropriate units.

Present your uncertainties in a table.


Show any calculation for percentage or random uncertainty below
the table.

State the connection between the independent and dependent variable.
Make your statement directional and where possible state if there is
direct or indirect/inverse proportion.

Make at least one sensible statement about your experiment justifying what you have said.
This means your statement must be backed up with evidence.

Some Examples of Evaluation Statements

The apparatus was satisfactory as the readings gave a good straight line graph
in agreement with the theory
, hence no improvements were required.

A more accurate measure of 'X' would improve the experiment as
the percentage error in 'X' was much larger than the percentage error in 'Y'.

The voltage of the supply was kept constant otherwise the measured value of current
would have been affected by this.

It would have been better to place the thermometer in the flask as this would have
allowed a more direct and accurate measurement of gas temperature.

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