Projectile motion

We spent a lot of time looking at projectiles and projectile problems in class so this should be a concept that you are comfortable with.  If you are still a little unsure, there is a good summary page here.  The page contains interactive questions to check your progress – just make your selections and press the green “=” symbol each time to find out if you were right.

Here is another site with a decent summary.  It has a flash animation showing how motion in the x and y directions are treated independently and explains the method to solve projectile questions.

remember vectors?

We’ve been dealing with vectors since the very start of the Higher Physics course.  Before the holidays, we looked at displacement, velocity and acceleration as vectors.  Over the last 2 weeks, we have discussed velocity in the context of projectile motion and looked at the vector nature of forces.  

Some of the problem solving tasks we attempted towards the end of last week suggested people were a little rusty on vectors so I have looked out some youtube revision materials to jog the memory.

Sometimes clips go into too much detail for our course or start introducing alternative methods that we have not used in class.  To prevent confusion, I’ve suggested how much of each video is relevant for the Higher course.


The first 6 minutes of this video clip introducing vectors may be helpful.


Watch this one up to 2:50 for a good review of our June work on displacement.

AH investigation marking session

You should now have 4 anonymous investigation reports to mark according to the SQA instructions.  Read and mark the reports in pairs, according to their subject.  You will get the 1st period of our double on Monday to finish the task if necessary.  We will spend period 6 comparing the marks awarded and discussing what is required for a successful report.

back to school

We had 7 weeks of summer holiday this year and it still didn’t seem long enough!  Hope you had a great holiday and hope you remember to come back on Tuesday.  

So what about the exam results, then?


There were great performances at all levels, from Standard Grade to Advanced Higher.  Congratulations to you all!


Thanks to Jose Picardo for the animation.